After trying the products the nutritionist had mentioned, I FINALLY had some exciting results. Let me tell you what happened to me. The first item the nutritionist discussed was the powerful anti-oxidant green tea. After a bit of online research, I saw that it has been used throughout Asia as an important healing and weight loss product for centuries. Green tea helps your body digest meals, and to regulate the levels of fatty acids in the blood. It is also used in the treatment of cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease due to its high levels of anti-oxidants. When the nutritionist began discussing about the importance of keeping one's colon cleansed, the studio audience giggled, but I was very intrigued.
I did more research, and found that his assertion that shedding weight using regular methods is correct. Medical authorities at BBC News, CNN, ABC, CBS and even the Wall Street Journal backed up what the TV nutritionist said.I combined green tea with a regular colon cleansing product to rid my system of excess waste and buildup. The TV nutritionist said it was urgent that this be done, or else weight loss will be difficult or impossible. It's unpleasant to discuss, but the fact is that waste removal becomes sluggish in our colons and attract toxins that remain in your system. This makes it impossible to lose weight using regular methods.
Think of what 5 to 10 kilos of undigested meals will do to your waistline. The nutritionist claimed that you can exercise all you want, but exercise will not adequately deal with the sludge in your system. He said "Performing a colon cleanse will clean out the sludge. And in doing so, you will automatically lose weight in ways that dieting and exercise alone cannot." The fact that this show did not endorse any particular product or weight loss program gave them more veracity. The producers of the show and the nutritionist really were trying to get the word out about the health benefits of green tea and colon cleanse products. So I went on the search for recommended Green Tea and Colon Cleanse products...